Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Battle Between Government And Education - 2271 Words

The Battle between Government and Education Introduction Education is a valid way to gauge how successful a country is. Every year thousands of children attend public schools in the US. These children are the hoe for this country’s future; their generation and the generations after will be the drivers for technological and economic success in the US. However, the education system is severely underfunded. A large percentage of these children attend schools that don’t have the necessary materials to learn. They attend classes taught by underqualified teachers getting paid very little. Not only that, I believe that funding schools based on test scores is a method that is severely flawed. Funding schools in this way creates a loop, where†¦show more content†¦(Oliff, Mai and Leachman) The budget for education in many states has been reduced significantly since then, and continues to go down, although at a much slower rate. Some reaching upwards of $1200. (Oliff, Mai and Leachman) In short, the state governments are spen ding less on schools now than before 2008. This results in subpar schools that don’t have many success stories; affecting the students negatively. A student going to a school like this is likely to not have the proper supplies. Teachers in these schools don’t have the proper materials they need to teach children effectively. The schools that need the money the most aren’t getting it. Schools located in the inner city of other poorer parts of the country won’t have a tax base as big as schools in other parts of the countries. This naturally makes it so that money available to schools located in poor parts. This isn’t a small problem either, the number of students who live in poverty is rising. Studies show that over half of the children live under the poverty line (Kasperkevic). The state government, however, has a way to combat this problem. Using a formula schools divert funds to these schools, however, many states have altered this formula to cut back on the funding that these schools get. (Kingdon and Teal) So not only are there less funds to go around due to cuts; the funds the do exists aren’t going to the schools that need it the most. This also means that the schools impacted

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