Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Civil War Movies Glory - 1142 Words

Final Take Home Essay on Glory The movie Glory is about Colonel Robert Shaw coming back from the fighting in the war and leads the first African American regiment in the Civil War, the 54th Massachusetts. The movie focuses on Captain turned Colonel Robert Shaw coming back from battle and training an African American regiment along with his friend Captain Cabot Forbes. The movie focuses on four African Americans, Sargent Rawlins, Thomas Searles, Jupiter Sharts, and Tripp, following their journey into a united division in the US military. The movie begins with Shaw in the Battle of Antietam, where he passed out due to his injuries and wakes up with the conflict over. Afterwards, he returns home in Massachusetts, showing signs that the†¦show more content†¦Another reason Forbes is my favorite character is that although he may act calm, he can still act emotional when he needs to. At the end of the film when he sees Shaw and Trip die during the charge to the fort, he assumes leadership and directs the men de eper into the Fort Wagner. Overall his respectable and friendly personality acts as the balancing side to Shaw’s whenever Shaw makes decisions. It was a good decision to show this film this semester since it strengthened the point of the racism present in the country, even in the north. The film gave a wonderful introduction into the black soldier’s perspectives, focused on Thomas, Trip, Rawlins, and Jupiter. This film is a good transition into the reconstruction portion of the course. Overall, it is definitely a movie to use next semester. In the film, the soldiers of the 54th mention on multiple occasions that it was their time to â€Å"ante up and kick in† to the war. This poker phrase meant that, with the creation of the first African American regiment, it was their time to make their contribution to the war. By sacrificing themselves, the African American soldiers demonstrate that they are willing to bring their cards to the table and make the sacrifice for their country. Tripp did not want to carry the flag at first because he felt that overall, the war was ultimately useless. He saw that the war would do nothing would overall change, the overall treatment of African Americans would be poor andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Glory1380 Words   |  6 Pages Glory: A Look From Within It is the evening before a powerful and epic battle with more than victory at stake. Tomorrow, the 54th regiment will forever stamp themselves as a symbol of hope and freedom in a new world during an attack on Fort Wagner as soldiers for the North. Dozens of men with young children, wives, and an idealistic dream of a free world will die in a matter of hours. As the Northern soldiers gather on this night before war, there are no tears of fear to be shed. 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